Pre-measuring EMC support

before measuring emc support

Engineering test support in any stage of the product; idea, primary design, proto, finished product.

We have more than 40 years of EMC experience and like to share this experience with you.

When a product or system is designed you can save money when our experienced engineers have a look at this. Some of our test-engineers even do not need an instrument to tell you if a product will fail or not.

This service will save you money because you do not have to perform a compliance test multiple times if your device passed the first time.

You get 30 minutes of support for free, most of the times this is enough to get a correct product or solution.

Engineering test support in any stage of the product, idea, primary design proto, finished product. In-house and on site. Our EMI/EMC engineers have decades of experience in all kinds of radiated and conducted susceptibility and immunity problems. From the device and/or internal or external sources.

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