Air transport magnetic cargo
Measurement, packing, simulation software for magnetic air transport
EMI/RFI shielding solutions for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations
Engineering test support in any stage of the product; idea, primary design, proto, finished product.
Developing an In-House EMC Troubleshooting and pre-compliance test labs
Measurement, packing, simulation software for magnetic air transport
Low-frequency and high-frequency field strength measurements on location, EMF Measurements, EM Measurement and HF-field strength measurements
Shielding effectiveness testing for housings enclosures in house and on location. Range of DC to 75 Ghz
Power and signal line filters testing for insertion loss, shielding effectiveness and current leakage. In house PCI (Pulse Current Injection) testing to mill std 188-125 E1 E2. 380 kV 5 kAmp
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