3200 mu copper icon


Specify the width in mm. Standard roll widths 25, 50, 100. Other width on request
Specify the length in meters. Standard roll length 16.5 meter.

Many EMI problems can be solved easily with Mu-copper foil or tape. Mu-copper tape is available with or without (conductive) self-adhesive and an optional insulation layer. Mu-copper tape can be cut to any width starting at 3mm and can be delivered from stock. The most commonly used width is 25mm; standard roll length is 16.5 meters.

When large surfaces are to be shielded, it is recommended to cover most of the surface with Mu-copper foil, possibly in combination with tape with a conductive self-adhesive. This solution is much cheaper than covering the entire surface with tape strips.

Mu-copper tape can also be delivered as die-cut, according to your drawing, on strips or in pieces (as stickers), with optional self-adhesive. Almost every shape and size is possible.

  • EMI shielding of plastic enclosure parts
  • EMI shielding tape/gasket
  • Shielding of all non-conductive materials Ground plane
  • Anti-static floors (ESD floors)
  • Electrical connection between surfaces
  • Shielding in housings and Faraday cages
  • Temporary shielding during tests
  • Mounting transparent foils and windows for EMI/RFI shielding
  • Cable shielding (tape wrapped around cable)
  • Temporary shielding during emissions and immunity tests

Shielding effectiveness

Many factors influence the actual effectiveness of an EMI/RFI shielding tape after it has been applied, such as the type and thickness of foil, type of adhesive, closeness of contact, smoothness of application surface, strength, and frequency of the EMI/RFI signal, etc. Still, attenuation values can be determined using standard tests and fixtures.

For EMI/RFI shielding tape, typical shielding effectiveness (far field) is in the range of 60dB to 80dB (10 kHz to 20 GHz).

rolls made in any width
3200 series - Mu-copper tape vs other tapes

3200 series - Mu-copper tape vs other tapes

Please note: These values are measured under laboratory conditions. Results may vary in other situations; please read our Guarantee.

Copper tape with conductive
adhesive 3201, 3212 & 3218

A flexible metal foil with a highly conductive self-adhesive on one side, with a release liner

  • Conductive acrylic adhesive
  • Supplied on a removable liner for easy handling and die-cutting

Like all Holland Shielding System BV tapes, Copper tape 3201 is available in standard and custom widths and lengths.
The standard length is 16.5 meters.

Standard thickness

  • 0.035 mm (part no. 3201
  • 0.12 mm (part no. 3212)
  • 0.18 mm (part no. 3218)
  • Other on request
Mu-copper tape versions
cut in any shape or size
3202 Tinned copper tape

Similar to Tape 3201, but with a layer of tin added for protection against corrosion and better solderability.

Mu-copper tape versions
3206 Die-cut mounting tape / Sandwich copper tape

A flexible metal foil, laminated on 2 sides with a conductive self-adhesive; available in sheets and rolls.

Mu-copper tape versions
3207 Copper tape with paper insulation

Similar to Tape 3201, but with a paper layer added to insulate the top layer of copper.

  • Thickness of the copper is 0.035 mm
  • Thickness of the paper insulation layer is 0.5 mm
  • Available up to a width of 1500 mm
Mu-copper tape versions



Technical specification and part numbers
Part number
(with conductive adhesive)
3201 (0.035 mm thick),
3212 (0.12 mm thick),
3218 (0.18 mm thick)
3202 3206 3207
Part number
(with standard adhesive)
3301 3302 3306 3307
Foil material soft copper soft copper soft copper soft copper with paper
Surface shiny tinned - bright
Foil thickness 0.035 mm 0.035 mm 0.035 mm 0.035 mm
Total thickness 0.060 mm 0.060 mm 0.085 mm 0.060 mm
Adhesive synthetic conductive resin synthetic conductive resin synthetic conductive resin synthetic conductive resin
Adhesive performance 4.5 N/cm 4.5 N/cm 4.5 N/cm 4.5 N/cm
Tensile strength 55 N/cm 40 N/cm 55 N/cm 55 N/cm
Temperature resistance 155 °C 155 °C 155 °C -
El. resistance through adhesive 0.003 Ohms 0.003 Ohms 0.003 Ohms 0.003 Ohms
Standard roll widths (mm)* 10, 25, 50, 100
Other width on request
Roll lengths* Min. 16.5m (standard)
Other roll length on request
These values are measured under laboratory conditions.
Results may differ in other situations Please read our Guarantee.

*Other roll widths/lengths on request


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